15,16 AND 17 NOVEMBER 2013
The BRAZILIAN HAPKIDO SUNGAJKWAN is headquartered in the state of Rio de Janeiro (BRAZIL), and atualmento is an independent and autonomous.
Today with offices in more than 19 Brazilian states and 14 countries, the Brazilian Sungjakwan style has been adopted by many teachers and professors from various martial arts.
Style BRAZILIAN HAPKIDO SUNGJAKWAN (The Winner Clan) is recognized by various international organizations as well as its founder Master. It is a style based on strong, modern and highly efficient techniques and practices, trained and developed in the main troops of the elite and real actions.
Traditional hapkido techniques, techniques of Extreme Combat System and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and more with military techniques.
The style was developed in Brazil by the GMasters Dayverson Wagner, and Mark Turci Alexandre Marcondes, Fabio Almeida, Luiz Lima and these are the main responsible for the dissemination and growth of Style.
The ISABRASIL concentrates a large number of affiliates that are in constant contact and harmony with the principles of Hapkido Brazilian and so improving yourself physically and borderline intellectual.
The ISABRASIL's doors open for those who have the desire to join us.
veja os videos dos 3 anos de eventos e veja que nossa organização sempre trabalha em prol do desenvolvimento do Hapkido e dos nossos atletas e filiados, sempre respeitando e trabalhando com outras organizações e estilos!!!
BRAZILIAN HAPKIDO SUNGJAKWAN, sempre trabalhando por voces!!!
Videos dos Rio Open de Hapkido 2011 , 2012 e 2013