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Dear Ladies and Gentelmen

Опубліковано: 2013-09-10 16:46:00

We would to inform you that WKF Accredited WSKU World Cup & 5th European Shotokan Championships will be held on 4-5-6 October 2013 in Bursa, Turkey which will be the last official international event before the Cadets&Juniors World Karate Championships.

WSKU has reserved all rooms in the Headquarter Hotel is Hilton (5 Star) with Bed and Breakfast 40 € per person per night. As the number of rooms are limited we kindly ask you to send attached reservation form until 20th of September, 2013. All official registrations, Referee Course and Dan Examination will be held in Hilton Hotel.

Detailed informations given in the attachment.

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