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Опубліковано: 2015-02-09 15:14:00

FEBRUARY 27, 2015

Manitoba Provincial Wado Kai Karate Clinic &Tournament
February 27 & 28 2015
Hamiota, MB

Friday Feb. 27 clinic will be instructed by S.W.K.K.F President, Hachidan 8th degree black belt Sensei Denis Labbé

Friday Feb. 27 Clinic
Youth 6:30-7:30 (under 12 yrs of age)
Adult  7:30-9:30 (12 yrs and up)

Saturday Feb. 28 Tournament
Registration: 9:30am-10:00am
Black Belt Meeting: 10:00am-10:30am
Bow in/Division Set: 10:30am
Black Belt Division: 11:00am-12:00pm
Kyu Belt Division: 1:00pm

Clinic & Tournament Fees:
Friday Clinic - $15/individual: $30/family      
Tournament - $20/individual: $40/family
Clinic & Tournament - $30/individual: $60/family  
*Family is 2 or more members

Clinic & Tournament will be held at Hamiota Collegiate Institute #91 1st Street North

Refreshments and lunch will be available at the clinic and tournament

Post Tournament Supper held at the
Heritage Arts Centre, 39 Maple Ave East
Supper reservations must be made by Feb. 22, 2015
$10/plate 10 yrs and under | $15/plate 11yrs and up

Hamiota Hotel: 1-204-764-2426
Shoal Lake Motor Inn: 1-204-759-2222
(20 min north of Hamiota)

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