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Опубліковано: 2014-11-03 17:40:00

23 - 24 May 2015

Shigemi Inagaki Shihan 8th dan Aikikai was born and raised in Iwama. In 1958 he became a student of the Aikido Founder, Ueshiba Morihei O'Sensei for 11 years. After graduating from Nihon University in Tokyo in 1969 he spent 2½ years in the Iwama Dojo as uchi deshi under Morihiro Saito Shihan and then 30 plus years as Soto deshi under Morihiro Saito Shihan in the founders dojo in Iwama now called Ibaraki Shibu Dojo (Ibaraki Branch Dojo).

Today Inagaki Shihan is one of the most well known, and experienced, teachers from the Ibaraki Shibu Dojo. He travels worldwide to teach, and generously shares his deep understanding in Aikido, based on almost 55 years of training. One special feature of his teaching is to incorporate talks about what Aikido has meant to him, and of his views on the spiritual dimension of Aikido.

Inagaki Shihan is the General Manager of, and a teacher in the Ibaraki Shibu Dojo. This is O' Sense's dojo – the dojo where Morihiro Saito Shihan also taught for 33 years. Inagaki Sensei is a member of the All Japan Aikido Federation Council, and Regular Director of the Ibaraki Aikido Federation. Inagaki Sensei is also the Chairman of Myanmar Aikikai and Chief instructor of Aikido Association of Myanmar.

This is an open invitation to bring all the various associations and dojos that subscribe to the Aikido that has come out of Iwama, the birthplace of Aikido, to train under Shigemi Inagaki Shihan, 8 dan Aikikai in his first UK vist.


11.00 - Registration
12:00 - 2:00
3:00 - 5:00

Registration: 8.30

Please bring Bokken and Jo, and National Insurance.

Two days: Pre-pay £80,00
One day: Pre-pay £45.00

Saturday meal: £20 (optional food in a award winning Indian restaurant.

Please visit the official Website to book/register and for info and details of the seminar:

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